Nature genetics

Genetic conflict reflected in tissue-specific maps of genomic imprinting in human and mouse.

Nature genetics

Babak T, DeVeale B, Tsang EK, Zhou Y, Li X, Smith KS, Kukurba KR, Zhang R, Li JB, van der Kooy D, Montgomery SB, Fraser HB

Embryonic stem cell-specific microRNAs regulate the G1-S transition and promote rapid proliferation.

Nature genetics

Wang Y, Baskerville S, Shenoy A, Babiarz JE, Baehner L, Blelloch R

DGCR8 is essential for microRNA biogenesis and silencing of embryonic stem cell self-renewal.

Nature genetics

Wang Y, Medvid R, Melton C, Jaenisch R, Blelloch R