Stem cell reports

Efficient ssODN-Mediated Targeting by Avoiding Cellular Inhibitory RNAs through Precomplexed CRISPR-Cas9/sgRNA Ribonucleoprotein.

Stem cell reports

Kagita A, Lung MSY, Xu H, Kita Y, Sasakawa N, Iguchi T, Ono M, Wang XH, Gee P, Hotta A

iPSC-Derived Platelets Depleted of HLA Class I Are Inert to Anti-HLA Class I and Natural Killer Cell Immunity.

Stem cell reports

Suzuki D, Flahou C, Yoshikawa N, Stirblyte I, Hayashi Y, Sawaguchi A, Akasaka M, Nakamura S, Higashi N, Xu H, Matsumoto T, Fujio K, Manz MG, Hotta A, Takizawa H, Eto K, Sugimoto N

LIN28B Impairs the Transition of hESC-Derived β Cells from the Juvenile to Adult State.

Stem cell reports

Zhou X, Nair GG, Russ HA, Belair CD, Li ML, Shveygert M, Hebrok M, Blelloch R

Vitamin C and l-Proline Antagonistic Effects Capture Alternative States in the Pluripotency Continuum.

Stem cell reports

D'Aniello C, Habibi E, Cermola F, Paris D, Russo F, Fiorenzano A, Di Napoli G, Melck DJ, Cobellis G, Angelini C, Fico A, Blelloch R, Motta A, Stunnenberg HG, De Cesare D, Patriarca EJ, Minchiotti G

CDK1 inhibition targets the p53-NOXA-MCL1 axis, selectively kills embryonic stem cells, and prevents teratoma formation.

Stem cell reports

Huskey NE, Guo T, Evason KJ, Momcilovic O, Pardo D, Creasman KJ, Judson RL, Blelloch R, Oakes SA, Hebrok M, Goga A